Industrial Laser Service LLC
Specializing in Bystronic Brand Lasers
Located in Grand Rapids, MI
Licensed and Insured

Moving your machine is going to be a lot of work, however, spreading that work between Industrial Laser Service , riggers, electricians, and pipefitters will make the job go more quickly and efficiently.
On a normal move the sequence of events looks like this:
(Day 1) I check the machine over and pack it up for the riggers. (Day 2) The riggers come and move all of the pieces as I watch to help insure nothing gets damaged. (Day 3) is the day that the electricians and pipefitters can begin to work to reconnect your utilities.
The utility list is:
480 volts to the machine
480 volts to the chiller
480 volts to the dust collector
Compressed air to the machine
Compressed air to the dust collector
Di water for the chiller
Laser gas (He, N2, CO2)
Assist Gas (N2, O2)
Compressed air to any automation
Dust collector duct work
Day 3 is also the day I get started reassembling your machine. This process will take a couple of days for me to finish